
Obama’s overall performance as President has, by any rational, logical, realistic, quantifiable or empirical metric, been a failure of Biblical proportions

Absolutes and Picking Sides

With an America in a state of grave peril, with the most crucial election in our nation’s history mere weeks away and with more than three and one-half years’ of time to observe the utterly reckless and woeful Obama Administration in action, we must all finally confront some very bitter facts and observe some profoundly disturbing absolutes. Although some might say the only absolute in the universe is change, I would submit that a number of additional and particularly sinister absolutes have also befallen America during Barack Obama’s term as President.
I would also submit that no rational and virtuous American citizen imbued with a sense of honor, integrity and dignity could challenge the irrefutable fact that this President, most of the members of his Administration and his sycophants in the U.S. House and Senate, collectively represent the most odious, mendacious, divisive, malicious, subversive, destructive and patently immoral group of political leaders in American history. Almost any pejorative term in the dictionary could also apply to these true villains for descriptive purposes, but a more toxic and corrosive group of individuals could hardly be imagined. In all candor, any reader who disagrees with the damning characterizations described above is obviously missing one or more of the aforementioned virtuous human attributes. It is truly astonishing and tragic that so many Americans, in the election cycle of 2008, so easily and willingly succumbed to the utterly bogus charms of the ultimate con man and total media creation represented in the person of Barack Obama. His election comprised a fateful combination of mass hysteria, a staggering level of willful ignorance and a totally misplaced sense of white guilt, on the part of tens of millions of misguided voters. In the immortal words of Clint Eastwood, we elected a total hoax. Congratulations to everyone who was cognizant of this obvious fact the last time around. The operative phrase to describe the Obama-Biden ticket and their supporters then and now, should be, “ may the FARCE be with you. “ Obama’s overall performance as President has, by any rational, logical, realistic, quantifiable or empirical metric, been a failure of Biblical proportions. In fact, his only so-called claim to fame relates to the success of the Bin Laden assassination mission. Sadly, as more facts continue to emerge from the boots on the ground and certain unidentified members of the Administration, who still have a shred of honor and dignity intact, we know that he had merely been following the same script developed by his predecessor George Bush. We also know that he dithered for weeks or months in making a final decision, thereby placing our military and intelligence assets at ever greater risk. This is the type of fateful decision that could have been made in a fraction of the time by a minimally responsible ninth grader. For Obama to constantly spike the football over this “ no brainer “ type of decision, represents one of the most embarrassing and shameful chapters in Presidential history.
In conjunction with an ever increasing list of monumental scandals such as Fast and Furious, the constant drone of critical intelligence leaks, Solyndra and its innumerable brethren and foreign policy debacles that have brought us an Islamist’s utopian version of Arab Spring and the horrors in Benghazi, together with perhaps the worst, most deceptive and destructive piece of legislation ever passed by Congress and signed by a President, Obamacare ( without a single Republican vote ), he and his acolytes have revealed themselves to be both miles beneath contempt and light years beyond shame. All of these scandals represent nothing less than a complete and damning indictment of the man and his ideology. To be brutally honest, we all know that if a Republican Administration had been complicit in a tiny fraction of these appalling misadventures and had engaged in an even smaller fraction of the unprecedented levels of incompetence, malfeasance, treachery and corruption as exhibited by the Democrats, the so-called MSM would have figuratively had all of the Republicans hanged, drawn and quartered with their body parts spread out to sea. Under these circumstances, the fact that any of these Progressives could be re-elected to any office, should shock the conscience of any decent person. In a breathtakingly mindless manner, millions of us actually elected a President who, in light of his wholly unsavory but still somewhat mysterious past, combined with the innumerable dangerous personal connections established throughout his entire life, would never be able to obtain even a minimum federal security clearance; a President who clearly could not even successfully manage a lemonade stand. No other man in our history has been as unqualified, unfit and unworthy of the job; indeed, he is truly the worst of the worst. If one might ask as to how this abomination could have happened, since it would have been unimaginable not that many years ago, I would point to two primary sources of causation. I think it’s unquestionable that if the MSM had always done its job to objectively report the truth and the facts and not enable a sinister Progressive inspired campaign of misinformation and disinformation of unparalleled dimensions to infect America, in its shameful capacity as a de-facto propaganda arm of the DNC ( that’s Goebbels blushing in the background ), and the teachers, administrators and school board members in our K-12 system of public education had observed their sacred duty to educate instead of indoctrinate our children, few, if any, of these same Democrats would have ever emerged onto the modern political scene.

He embodies an incredibly destructive Perfect Storm

If the MSM of today had only vetted Barack Obama to a minimal degree, it would have been abundantly manifest to everyone that he has always been an uber left wing extremist, who emerged from an extremist’s womb, seeded by another radical leftist. He then grew up and matured in a hyper radicalized environment, surrounded, supported and mentored by a veritable Who’s Who of anti-American extremists ( including two self-described domestic terrorists ) and was then thrust upon all of us out of the cesspool comprising the most politically corrupt city in America, Chicago. He embodies an incredibly destructive Perfect Storm, representing the overwhelming convergence of the powerful forces of Affirmative Action, malignant narcissism and the Peter Principle. He presides over an Administration and federal bureaucracy replete with like minded individuals; the perfect recipe for national suicide. Nevertheless, he is still frequently viewed as the manager of a dream team from the perspective of all America haters, domestic and foreign. If you think this assessment is too harsh, please contemplate the following scenario: if every anti-American political leader in the world today were allowed to vote for our next President, would they cast their ballots for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, or for any other Democrat or their Republican challenger in any other election for that matter? If we’re being totally honest with ourselves, we all know the obvious answer to this question and please keep this damning answer in mind when you vote for any candidates in November. We have now all borne witness to how a once proud Democratic Party has become totally infected with a lethal form of contagion, known as Progressivism, that has viciously attacked its victims by initially disabling their critical thinking skills, then continues on its insidious mission to destroy an infected individual’s psyche, conscience and soul. It is a condition that can have eternally negative consequences on those so cursed.
Unfortunately for our nation, this Progressive form of cancer has now permeated our entire body politic and has metastasized onto the very fabric of our society and culture. It thrives in an atmosphere of ignorance, hatred, fear, divisiveness and victimhood and has found an exceptional breeding ground in a contemporary America, under Democratic leadership. It represents nothing less than an existential threat to America and its future. After proudly subverting the foundations of American society and culture over the past forty plus years, the Progressives, now in the form of the modern Democratic Party, finally declared war on traditional America on January 20 , 2009, when President Obama was inaugurated and proclaimed his formal Declaration of Dependence to embrace his own warped, twisted and distorted version of America. In this process, the Democrats have been become the unparalleled masters of the politics of class warfare, character assassination, envy, projection and personal destruction. It is now virtually impossible to overestimate the amount of damage the Democrats have inflicted on America or underestimate the degree of deceit, treachery and betrayal they’ve employed in doing so along the way. Since they’re essentially living a lie, the Father of Lies himself could not be more proud of America’s Progressives. They’ve laid waste to innumerable cities, communities, states and school districts over which they’ve exercised virtually complete political domination for decades. They’ve destroyed countless lives and crushed the dreams of tens of millions of American children. They represent a totally discredited and morally, ethically and spiritually bankrupt political philosophy and seem to be bereft of any common sense or true wisdom. They’ve betrayed their oaths of office, trashed our Constitution, routinely ignored the laws they oppose and the federal separation of powers doctrine. They embody the very antithesis of the honorable and virtuous types of men and women in governance, as envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

Staggering levels of immorality, amorality and malfeasance manifested by the Democrats for decades

Even in light of the staggering levels of immorality, amorality and malfeasance manifested by the Democrats for decades, they still enjoy high levels of support from several large sectors of society and this fact is troubling indeed. Obama, in the last election, enjoyed the support of an overwhelming percentage of African American voters, which may not initially be surprising from their perspective, in that he was the first African American President and seemed to offer them a promise of hope and change; this dream of sorts has been obliterated by the reality of his performance in office. Sadly, he still enjoys a very large majority percentage of support from this segment of our society but fortunately, it appears that an increasing percentage of dissenters have finally realized that by continuing to support Democrats of his ilk, they are only ensuring themselves and their children a life of dependence, misery and despair. Although the bounds and shackles of the horrors of slavery from the nineteenth century are no longer visible they still fully bind countless members of this community, in even more insidious and deceptive ways, having been placed there by their Progressive slave masters entrenched on a massive national liberal plantation. In perhaps the first known instance in human history, the African Americans continuing to support the Democratic Party have apparently and inexplicably chosen to be self-enslaved. True and noble conservative African American heroes such as Clarence Thomas, Condoleezza Rice, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele and an ever increasing number of others, who are magnificent role models for the African American community and who are routinely demeaned, defamed and disparaged by the left and have been replaced by the left in the persons of various so-called artists and entertainers and certain infamous race baiting hustlers, who have all served to coarsen our society in incredibly destructive ways. These wonderful and extraordinary African American conservatives should be an incomparable source of inspiration and potential achievement for all Americans, as they have always been for me and I hope and pray that more and more members of this community now start to hitch their wagons to the conservative star, which represents their only true hope for a bright future for themselves and their families. I personally hold these truly exceptional Americans of color in the highest possible esteem, for they represent the best that America has to offer. Obama and the Democrats also enjoy a significant majority level of support of Jewish Americans, who have apparently been mesmerized by a man and a modern Party who and which obviously have never had the best interests of Israel in mind, together with an Administration replete with anti-Semites. It is the ultimate exercise in sado masochism by these misguided Jewish citizens and also serves to totally betray their brethren in Israel who are surrounded by a sea of hatred and hostility. There will be no relief in sight for Israel until Mitt Romney and hordes of Republicans are elected to offices throughout America. He also still appears to enjoy the support of a majority of American women. In perhaps the most tragic of ironies, far too many women seem to think that “ free “ access to contraceptives and unfettered rights to an abortion, are more important than the economic, social and cultural life of this nation and the future of their families. I won’t get into a discussion about the intrinsic evils of abortion and the related high priest of abortion status now personified by Barack Obama, but I firmly believe that a just Lord will view the deliberate and malevolent efforts of innumerable men and women to actively try and turn the hearts of countless women throughout the world against those of their innocent unborn children, in an unimaginably harsh manner ( I think I see Mengele and Sanger smiling in the background ). Is there really a greater sin in the eyes of God ? It’s way past time for individuals in all of these demographics to step out of the ongoing Twilight Zone episode in which they’ve been trapped for years and back into the realm of reality. If you watched the recent DNC Convention, which in many ways resembled a political version of a Jerry Springer Show marathon, you might have seen the debacle where the Democrats actually chased God out of their platform ( for the first time in history ) then illegitimately invited him back in. It’s gotten so bad for the Democrats that they actually think they can try and mock and dismiss God from America’s political scene, when we all know God will not be mocked. In observing the ongoing actions of Democrats, I’m afraid that a large number of their tortured souls are also in peril. In any event, we have finally reached that proverbial “ tipping point “ in our storied history and the upcoming national elections will become a defining moment for all Americans. With an insurmountable mountain of damning evidence in front of one and all, making the wrong choice will have catastrophic consequences for you, your family and our nation’s future. Make no mistake about it, the Progressive way is a path constructed with false hopes, broken promises and a constant stream of lies, sitting on a foundation of treachery, betrayal and government sanctioned infanticide. It is a pathway that can lead only to chaos, despair and misery. It ultimately is the same pathway to oblivion, under which hundreds of millions of innocent corpses were buried in the twentieth century alone. With what we now know, it is patently clear that it would be unthinkable, unimaginable and unconscionable for the American electorate to re-elect this President and/or allow the Democratic Party to continue to exercise any significant degree of control or authority over our lives on a national or local basis. If however, the unthinkable occurs and Americans choose to detach themselves from reality, push the self destruct button and thereby sow the seeds of oblivion, such an action will undoubtedly be viewed by countless more rational Americans as unforgiveable in nature and we must then all be prepared to reap the ensuing whirlwind. If these monumental events were couched in fictional terms, I believe it’s easy to imagine the nature of the script. An illegitimate anti-American government led by the forces of Progressive tyranny will have placed in motion counter-forces, which no power on earth will be able to stop. These counter-forces will formally readopt and reinstate the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and will comprise a revolutionary form of tsunami so massive in dimensions that it will make the terrible tsunami that recently struck Japan, resemble a tiny ripple in a small backyard puddle. This wave will sweep the Progressive forces out of their elective and appointed offices throughout America and back into the odious cesspools from which they first emerged. The script would reveal that voting for almost any Democrats, this time around, will represent one of the most irrational, irresponsible and self-destructive actions any American could undertake. By doing so, these misguided voters will essentially be stabbing their own family members in their backs and their nation in its soul. Unfortunately, these same voters will also be doing the same thing to their fellow citizens who support righteous candidates and causes, and those actions will be viewed by tens of millions of men and women of good will and conscience as totally unacceptable and intolerable.

Titanic struggle between Democrats and Republicans, for the very soul of America

We must all pray like we’ve never prayed before that all Americans will simply open their eyes, hearts and minds to the titanic struggle between Democrats and Republicans, for the very soul of America. Pray that our American brethren on the left stop defending the indefensible, excusing the inexcusable and tolerating the intolerable. Obviously, the Republicans cannot possibly have all of the answers and mistakes will be made along the way, but they are infinitely more preferable candidates than their Progressive counterparts. If the Democrats had prepared a detailed blueprint four short years ago, which depicts the prompt and systematic destruction of America’s society, culture, values and future, without firing a single shot, they wouldn’t need to make a single change. It’s time to pick sides and vote as though the lives of you, your family and your nation were at stake, because for the first time since the founding of the greatest nation in human history, they truly are. I trust and pray that you pick wisely! W.T.R. ( ex animo )

Bill Reynolds B. Reynolds -- Bio and Archives

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