
An ideology that leaves us all with a dangerously imperiled Country. This is the preliminary guide to President Barack Obama’s living legacy

A Preliminary Guide to the Obama Legacy

We all remember President elect Obama’s victory celebration, the Greek columns, the inspiring speech telling us all he would transform America and the World. Millions of Americans who witnessed his victory speech had no idea what was in store for them in the years that followed the November elections of 2008. They voted America’s most liberal United States Senator into office because he was an affable African American. They knew next to nothing about the man.
Also endemic to the times was the endless blame-Bush dialogue that allowed Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama and his party to blame President George W. Bush for everything, possibly forever. The Obama victory procession, the coronation in January 2009 seemed to foist a sense of hopelessness on America's right wing electorate and political machines. Democrat control of both houses of Congress appeared as though it would last at least as long as their party’s Congressional reign before, during and after F.D.R. In the years that followed the election of America’s then most liberal senator to the Presidency, we witnessed President Barack Hussein Obama’s foreign polices suffer from catastrophic failures. The dire results of his left wing ideologies were driven on by his immense ego, joined at the hip to a preposterous perception of what America is, what it should become and what it should or should not do. President Obama’s radical ideologies when combined with a predilection towards acting on self admitted fantasies, gave rise to the pursuit of dangerously foolish Arab Spring notions, in the middle east and north Africa. Then came the attack at Benghazi, the cover ups that followed, wrongful manipulations of the press, the continued pursuit of misguided foreign policy that had Libya, Iraq and Syria spinning out of control, intermittent foreign policy paralysis, and misapplications of power or lack of it in dealing with the emergence of the Islamic State and all terrorist or insurgent factions in general. A preliminary testament to President Obama and his administration’s foreign policy failures, is that they continue on to today. Terrorism is growing, cascading in a never ending series of brand new foreign policy disasters, bearing evil fruit in Libya, Afghanistan, Algeria, deep in the heart of North Africa, even in the Orient, there, too, terror’s tentacles have spread.
There have been bright spots in this long series of frightening failures, the successful battle for Kobane, the air campaign that followed, the seemingly increased or heightened sense of duty to fight the Islamic State and various terrorist factions that have re emerged, post Kobane. But when it came to an over-arching fundamental will to properly identify and fight all terrorist factions with the full ferocity of the United States military, we see leftist ideologies enter once again. Chomsky and Zinn’s ideologies blaming America’s alleged imperialism for everything, seem to demand President Obama not dispense the full measure of America’s might against the Islamic State and terrorist factions. Equally as bad, these same leftist ideologies somehow demand President Obama identify Syria’s insurgent factions as friendly forces, in need of support. President Obama backs the insurgents in Syria. The result is soaring death tolls, the additional needless slaughter of tens of thousands of innocents, wiped out over the fantasy of toppling Syria’s Bashir Assad. The legacy continues to this day, tens of thousands of human beings, trapped in war’s killing and starvation zones, and the never ending exodus of refugees from war torn terrorist-insurgent infested lands, fomenting chaos and turmoil all across western Europe. On the domestic front, President Obama adhered to a help one’s self domestic policy, wherein Wall Street was coddled and milked, while he signed one stupendous spending stimulus package after another. He spent with reckless abandon, and little if any visible apprehension over America’s burgeoning national debt, and the funding of boondoggles. The help-oneself policies mantra extended to environmental matters too, as President Obama and his Administration foisted one crippling environmental edict after another. Absolute power now corrupting in rapid succession gave birth to ObamaCare, the loss of Constitutional protections, and Liberties. America’s first African American President, a one-time law professor openly refuses to deport a multitude of illegal aliens eligible for deportation, allegedly instructs the Department of Justice, the INS, Border Patrol, and any agency under his control that facilitates the capture, deportation and or prosecution of illegal aliens, not to enforce laws and codes of his choosing, thereby forcing America’s agents to abrogate their oaths as sworn officers of the law. Couple this with his self empowering assault on Liberty via the courts, President Barack Obama turns America's judicial system upside down. The results being leftist ideologies implemented over the course of the Obama Presidency, are now laws or policies that abrogate long standing laws, methods and practices dating all the way back to and even before America’s founding. Liberty and freedom are damaged and imperiled, long term. Finally, we address President Obama’s cabinet. In the forefront was his first choice as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. There are few terms that describe her better than, catastrophically incompetent. No one else during Barrack Obama’s Presidency rises to a higher level of chaos and disaster than America’s then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was ruinous, from Libya through the Arab spring and onto Syria and elsewhere, where Hillary stands without peer. There were other cabinet members like Kathleen Sibelius, who lied and deceived the American people about ObamaCare. Lois Lerner and the myriad of IRS employees who attacked America’s patriotic citizens. Names like Rahm Emanuel appear on a list so long it would take hours to fully go through them, but through it all we see a pattern, the selection of cabinet personnel based on ruinous left wing ideology. An ideology that leaves us all with a dangerously imperiled Country. This is the preliminary guide to President Barack Obama’s living legacy.

Eddie Pedersen -- Bio and Archives

Eddie Pedersen is a 58 year old California Resident.  Lifetime Conservative Republican.  Hobbies are Hunting Fishing and Bicycling