
I pray that America's best and Godliest days are still to come

9-11 The way I saw

I was doing my morning show on radio when a little after 8:45am when I went away from regular programming to do a commentary on the plane that had crashed into the World Trade Center. A few minutes later I saw a second plane hit the other tower and my words were, "We've been attacked and the world as we know it will never be the same." I was stunned as was much of America. Dread turned to anger in the next few days and then to resolve. But above all I remember thinking that God is still in control-- still sovereign--still with His hand on America. 
 There was a rise of patriotism-- and over the next few weeks and months it was hard to find a seat in any church as people, out of fear, confusion, faith, and seeking answers filled the pews. But I remember the patriotism waning within a few months-- and the churches steadily returned to regular attendance capacity.

In spite of America being savagely attacked-- with thousands of lives lost-- we began turning back to the many distractions and amusements which have become the idols of our culture. Oh we still had our bumper stickers, our flags flying, our resolve to pull together as one nation-- but it all too soon faded from the memories of so many citizens. 
Even the main stream media played down the anniversaries-- some refusing to show the horrible images of a collapsing trade center, of bodies free falling to their death from over a quarter mile high. The American unity all to soon fractured into disparate pieces of political conflict. 9-11 was like some box office mega hit that faded all too soon. 9-11 changed us all. For some it meant a stronger resolve to strengthen America. For others it was used as a statement that showed America as the world's imperialistic bad boy instead of a protector of democracy. The way I saw it- God was not only in control, but He was reaching out to an America that had allowed His Ten Commandments to be torn down from public places; an America that had grown to accept the killing of millions and millions of babies; an America that had turned its back on morality, charity, and brotherly love; an America where His name was used more to curse than to praise, and where the modern culture had made the words "Oh My God" an irreverent statement of simple surprise. 
But America is less a great melting pot and more a tangled web of special interests. It's not the America that God meant for it to be. She can only return to her former glory if she comes back into the light and shuns the darkness. I pray that America's best and Godliest days are still to come.

Dave Macy -- Bio and Archives

Dave Macy (aka: Dave Deppisch) spent 30 years as a conservative talk host on a variety of stations in markets like Atlanta, Nashville, Toledo, and Ft. Wayne. He was drawn out of his profession into the ministry and now serves as an associate pastor. He preaches several times a year and is also available to bring his unique style of common sense conservative talk along with his faith in Jesus Christ to any setting that is looking for a speaker with humor, common sense, and Christian values.

He is the author of DoubtFreeLiving.com,and has been privileged to speak at CBN and appear as a guest on World Harvest TV.