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Canada Free Press 2006 Archives: Arthur Weinreb

  1. Aboriginal rights are more important than public safety
  2. Boxing Day sales should be banned!
  3. What's with Liberals and popcorn?
  4. Finally - a use for Jack Layton
  5. Can Harper sell the war?
  6. HOV lanes – just another cash grab
  7. Dion's citizenship matters
  8. Brother David's travelling salvation show
  9. Britain refuses to recognize “war”
  10. True conservatism – an illustration
  11. Liberals reject one-member, one-vote
  12. Dion's first big test
  13. Liberals elect a real Liberal living in Canada as leader
  14. Corrections needs correcting
  15. Win one for the Iggster
  16. A refreshing admission from Liberal-land
  17. Duel citizenship – we had better decide soon
  18. Mini riot over bottled water
  19. The hierarchy of political correctness
  20. David Miller: I won't take no for an answer
  21. Dalton McGuinty: No
  22. Sex offender: Was he really “dumped in Canada”?
  23. November 11th hypocrisy
  24. U.S. election results won't affect Harper and the Conservatives
  25. Dems win House; Senate ???
  26. Of roads and mosquitoes
  27. If you can't stop it, legalize it
  28. U.S. Invades South Korea:
  29. President Kerry:I said North Korea
  30. Ontario's not a police state
  31. Don't just complain Dalton – do something
  32. Conditional sentences: bad bill, good politics
  33. Whatever happened to "It's okay to lie about sex"?
  34. Don't give immigrants the right to vote
  35. McGuinty pushes character development in schools
  36. Ianiero murders -- do we need the government to do everything?
  37. Stephen Harper--divisive or decisive?
  38. Fantino – a good choice for the OPP
  39. Iggy's finally getting the hang of it
  40. The "Nobody Likes a Quitter Act"
  41. DORA meets the Met
  42. Where does Musharraf get these ideas?
  43. Dalton McGuinty – just a regular Ontarian
  44. Canada's border guards: from bank tellers to wimps
  45. Volpe: hang in there Joe!
  46. Deadly marathon: where's the "if it only saves one life" crowd?
  47. Caledonia protest -- what's a gutless premier to do?
  48. The Gun Registry -- "even if it just saves one life"
  49. Kimveer Gill -- perhaps he was just evil
  50. Crime in Canada -- a tale of two cities
  51. Bill Graham – born to be interim leader
  52. Layton's ready to govern – yeah, right
  53. "Harper plans to pay tribute to victims"
  54. McGuinty fiddles while Caledonia burns
  55. Jack Layton: Canada's Cindy Sheehan
  56. Drunk Driving Lanes -- an idea whose time has come
  57. Brison attacks fellow Liberals for being Liberals
  58. Granny's meds grabbed at airport
  59. Dr. Brian Day – the left's worst nightmare
  60. Layton: Canada's "Shock Jack"
  61. Canadians avoid another bailout
  62. OPP takes natives' side in Caledonia dispute
  63. Iggy returns — as a "True Grit"
  64. Obeying the law — Dalton's going to think about it
  65. How I spent my summer vacation, by Iggy
  66. Posting on a government website is not sufficient
  67. Bring back those 50s horror movies
  68. More ways to stick it to smokers
  69. Liberal Party revs up appeasement
  70. Time to end dual citizenship
  71. Warning!!! Fire can cause, er, a bigger fire
  72. Sorry Newt, it will never be called World War III
  73. A boy named Steve
  74. Laws needed to protect war memorials
  75. The great Canada Day deportation
  76. Bad guys' families get compensation
  77. The OPP — your tax dollars at work
  78. Making suicide bombing illegal
  79. Dalton McGuinty ends war:
  80. Ontario to buy Afghanistan
  81. "Don't worry, be happy" lives on in Canada
  82. Proposal to broaden terrorism laws
  83. We're not afraid — but maybe we should be
  84. Queen's representative snubs the Queen
  85. Canadians — we're fat and we lie
  86. Residents of Caledonia deserve real police
  87. Joe Volpe — Liberals' new ethics czar
  88. Homegrown terrorists — we shouldn't be "shocked"
  89. CUPE Ontario blames "Jewish lobby" for threats
  90. Stop the leadership race — we have a winner!
  91. Obeying the law doesn't mean much any more
  92. Open season on the elderly
  93. Iranian dress code — might have done some good
  94. Simple Cindy
  95. McGuinty proud of his law breaking Minister
  96. Do as I say (not as I do)
  97. Senate wants to nickel and dime Canadians
  98. "Beer and popcorn" lives on
  99. Supreme Court of Canada upholds personal choice and responsibility
  100. Conservative budget was fair
  101. What Stephen giveth, Dalton taketh away
  102. Canadians not too sympathetic towards illegal immigrants
  103. "Thinking big" just won't cut it
  104. Let's let the soldiers decide
  105. Harper's budget test
  106. Canada right to cut off Hamas government
  107. Harper's rise in the polls
  108. Who can possibly replace Belinda?
  109. Eight dead bikers — does anyone care?
  110. "Ban it!" — the Liberals way of promoting health
  111. Louise Russo — don't just show her the money, give it to her
  112. The Liberal Party -- they're not the government anymore
  113. Hells Angels should form next Ontario government
  114. Jail the Journos
  115. As parliament begins, so does the fun
  116. Ethics Commissioner - let's get rid of the office
  117. It's time to debate Afghanistan
  118. Flying squirrels, sex, and the Premier of Ontario
  119. America-bashing--the tradition continues
  120. Canadians now support troops in Afghanistan
  121. Kirpan decision — why some people are angry
  122. We've united the right — now let's unite the left
  123. Liberal MP plays politics with murders in Mexico
  124. Less than half of Canadians support the war on terror
  125. Move to ban cellphones - again
  126. Obesity isn't rocket science
  127. Negative option organ donations
  128. Paul Martin – forgotten but not gone
  129. Political parties have little meaning anymore
  130. Politics 101 for David Emerson
  131. Harper adopts Martin's morals
  132. Ontario seeks to ban handguns: people don't "need" them
  133. Martin thinks he did a good job
  134. Stephen Harper's first test
  135. Words have no meaning anymore
  136. Congratulations Belinda — Canada needs you
  137. Why the Liberals lost
  138. We chose our Canada
  139. Buzz Hargrove has become a true Grit
  140. Friends, Torontonians, countrymen — lend me your votes
  141. Martin's legacy -- a decline in moral values
  142. It takes an American to combat Canada's violent crime
  143. Liberty and freedom are not Canadian values
  144. A Conservative minority — would the Liberals care?
  145. Paul Martin plays the "Mike Harris card"
  146. A solution to reduce gun violence
  147. Liberals shamelessly exploit Boxing Day shootings

Canada Free Press, CFP Editor Judi McLeod