
Charles Martel

Charles Martel, laying down the Hammer for Canada Free Press

Most Recent Articles by Charles Martel:

Biden's cauldron of corruption threatens to overflow

So the Durham Report came out recently and it confirmed every dotted “I” and crossed “T” that the Democrats and their press lackeys have long-insisted was a conspiracy theory was true.

Democrats and their conspirators in the Deep State, sold their souls to prevent Trump winning and then destroy his Presidency, and in the process did incalculable damage to the country and the institutions they represented.

They are liars. They are criminals. They are Quislings, and they should be in prison.

- Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Doesn’t The Future Sound Grand?

All and everything is a continual storm of Chaotic Chaos, thundering down from every direction drowning and smothering us in a toxic sludge from which there is no escape.

From Law and Order, to Economic Strength and Individual Freedom, all of it, everything we’ve known, expected, took for granted and assumed was an inherited right is daily eroded.

What was once a nation resembles nothing so much as a pot of rancid garbage shoved down a cannon barrel and fired into a brick wall.

Hope is hard to see, let alone come by...

- Friday, May 19, 2023

Our relentless march to a Darwinian dystopia

Another week and the nation continues its vertiginous spin down the drain of history.

In the words of Adam Smith : “There’s a lot of ruin in a nation”

Biden, his puppeteers and his administration are intent on wringing every ounce of destruction from our once great country.

Faith in our institutions has crumbled. The FBI, CIA, DEA, the IRS, the alphabet soup is poisonous and fills us with fear.

- Friday, April 28, 2023

Light or dark?  Freedom or slavery? The most important struggle in the history of the world

Is there a way out? What is it? How do we do it? What are our options?

The choices are 4 and they appear to be obvious.

  1. We vote ourselves on a different path
  2. We can embrace and surrender to the continuous slide into single state socialist marxist globalism.
  3. We can dissolve the country as it is with Red and Blue States going their separate ways .
  4. We take up arm and determine to destroy the other side or be destroyed by them.

The left is winning and the rest of us are at an inflection point. We will make an active choice to it will be a decision by indecision.

- Monday, April 17, 2023

Trump Is The Hurdle; Our Destruction And Submission Is The Goal

As the light dims on America, a shadow creeps over the rest of the world.

What do think will happen in South America, Peru, Mexico and Brazil. What side will these gangsters aid and comfort.

What of Africa, Israel, Asia, Eastern Europe?

Who will stand up to China?

- Thursday, April 6, 2023

Destroy Family; Destroy God; Control Us

Took no time at all for the enemies of God, America and Humanity, to observe the murder of six people including three children and determine the blame was due to the violence and anti-trans rhetoric on the right.

Nothing is more persuasive for your side than celebrating the murder of little children— Just ask Press Secretary to Gov. Hobbs oF Arizona, Josselyn Berry.

- Saturday, April 1, 2023

The darkest hour of our history: Looking for an Horatius at the Bridge

Like a one-legged drunk stepping on an ant hill we continue our jig towards WWIII.

Our Public School System is poisoned by perverts, race baiters and marxists.

Having only the slightest hope for the return of America as it was founded.

White liberals have sold their souls to marxist demons, they will never return to sanity.

We are victims of Big State Tyranny.

We pray for a Horatius at the Bridge, but time is running out.

- Saturday, March 25, 2023

How much will we take? How much will we give up?

From the Congressional Testimony of the past week we learn  that 'I Am Science' Anthony Fauci  is a stone liar and a corrupt bureaucrat.

It is a gift to be this detailed a liar.

The capacity and strength of Liberal Hysteria--= The vile and projectile vomiting at Matt Tiabbi and Michael Shellenberger, Barry Weiss and Tucker Carlson

The Twitter Files continue to unfold

Release of the J6  video that shows the entire Government and media narrative to be a complete sham

Free speech is the bedrock of a Free Nation

- Wednesday, March 15, 2023

An amoral enemy, bereft of conscience, seeks our destruction

The preferred narratives of the Left may not have been hatched on twitter, but they sure were nurtured there.

Twitter was a tool of control, a ratchet to tighten the bolts of censorship.

On Twitter the Left could dress up and decorate their lies to make them look good and at the same time degrade and undermine the truth to make it look like a lie.

- Friday, February 10, 2023

Progressivism...lies on top of lies on top of lies

Progressivism...lies on top of lies on top of lies

The dumpster fire now been overseen by drooling Joe Biden and his puppeteers continues to burn

Classified documents found in Biden’s corvette.The info was all leaked by Biden’s Lawyers. We would never have known if this was not done.

The FBI and every Institution in Washington with a phone leaned on Twitter.

We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Matt Taibbi, Barry Weiss, Glenn Greenwald, and Michael Shellenberger and a handful of others. These journalists are all on the left, but they have shown integrity.

- Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The fate of the world is in the balance. What will you do?

The fate of the world is in the balance.  What will you do?

America as we know it no longer exists. It gone, eradicated, stolen and has been replaced by an unrecognizable territory run by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats and corporatists feted and propped up by our institutions, academia, and the press. The vast majority of the members are totalitarian by nature, by instinct and by preference.

They are transparently treasonous, deny our past greatness and glory, insist our history is an ash-heap bereft of decency and honor.

They despise our families and our God and it is their most ardent wish and deeply held desire to destroy us.

- Friday, January 13, 2023

Three ways to end the March of Despotism in America

Three ways to end the March of Despotism in America

Democrats know that fair elections means elections that they will lose.

• Vote our way out

• Dissolution of the United states

• Civil War

We no longer share the same values with the Democrats

- Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The lies mount, and the nation is disfigured

The lies mount, and the nation is disfigured

We are daily being fed lies. They know they are lying. We know that they know they are lying. They know that we know that they know they are lying.

Lies include; Grammar is Racist, Math is Racist, Marriage is Racist, Capitalism is Oppressive, Biden wants to secure the Border

- Thursday, December 15, 2022

Dissolution, peaceful or otherwise, is our fate

Dissolution, peaceful or otherwise, is our fate

Stein's Law: If something can't go on forever, it will stop.

Does anyone believe the country can continue on its present track?

Just some of the contentious issue are: Border, Education, Applied Justice, Hunter and Joe Biden, J6 Prisoners, Elections, Climate Change, Free Speech, Globalism, Big Tech Censorship.

As an aside, Minus Joe, what does Hunter bring to the table?

How the next civil war begins: Does anyone believe that the results of 2024 will be accepted by any side?

- Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Hope, Machiavelli, or bust

Hope, Machiavelli, or bust

Democrats, you cooked it and now you are going to have to eat it. Nothing like a good carjacking topped off by a fine pistol whipping.

While misery loves company , millions of Americans are going to have to accept the fact they are okay with increased crime, open borders, Drag Queens doing story hour for little children, an economy in freefall and high gas prices.

Has anyone been treated worse than Donald Trump. Trump's Presidency was great and meaningful, but he and his supporters have been demonized and vilified by the Democrats and their compliant press.

- Friday, November 18, 2022

No Forgetting; No forgiveness. We Want Accountability; We Demand Justice!

No Forgetting; No forgiveness.  We Want Accountability; We Demand Justice!

Pandemic Amnesty a telling template for all of the Democrats bad decisions and mistakes made over the past two years.

The Left want Amnesia writ large for everything.

Crushing oil and natural gas, Hot wars with Russia and China, endless printing of money, erasing the border, epidemic of drug deaths, Bail reform, Defunding the police.

Sure, mistakes were made, but can't we all be friends again?

- Sunday, November 6, 2022

Their heads are in a vise...and now it's time to squeeze

Their heads are in a vice...and now it's time to squeeze

The Fetterman-Oz Debate:

Fetterman is clearly unable to perform, he even made Biden sound like Winston Churchill.

What about the media? They have been complicit in hiding this guy for months.

The Democrats will look you in the eye and lie and deceive you in order to gain power and control over you.

Squirming Nancy Pelosi, you power-addled harpy.

- Monday, October 31, 2022

What kind of people are we?

What kind of people are we?

Last week marked the 1290 anniversary of the Battle of Tours. Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer) stopped the spread of Islam in Europe.

Courage and the willingness to fight are imperatives if we are to live in a better world.

What kind of people have we become?

Our Administration fluent in dishonesty and abetted by a corrupt media create a situation of zero accountability.

- Saturday, October 22, 2022

Continued spiralling to someplace below Hell...

Continued spiralling to someplace below Hell...

Despite what the idiot green liberals have to say Hurricanes today are not more numerous nor more powerful than they were before.

Why is Biden pushing for a nuclear war?

Why the ho-hum attitude of media and politicians toward the coming of a possible nuclear armageddon?

People we have in charge are monstrously inept.

- Sunday, October 9, 2022