Firefighters reporting having seen flames “as tall as 200 to 300 feet” on the leading edge, is being “in the middle of a nightmare” to me

Reality Rolling in like a Freight Train

By Judi McLeod

The telling words of a Catholic priest friend from a telephone conversation two days ago, came hurtling back at me early this morning when realizing that the nearby Shelburne County forest fire is “rolling like a freight train with more evacuations on Wednesday,” according to the CBC. “We are living our dream in the middle of a nightmare,” Father had said of the dark times in which we all live. Out of control fire “rolling like a freight train” through our communities with firefighters reporting having seen flames “as tall as 200 to 300 feet” on the leading edge, is being “in the middle of a nightmare” to me. Read More...
Firefighters reporting having seen flames “as tall as 200 to 300 feet” on the leading edge, is being “in the middle of a nightmare” to me

Fortunately, authoritarian disruptions could be prompting another reformation. In-your-wallet and in-your-face governments are becoming “too much” and a recession could accelerate the need for reform

The FBI Agents involved in Crossfire Hurricane, as well as the Bureau’s leadership, were not being manipulated for political purposes; they were, themselves, the manipulators.

An eighty-five Percent failure rate earns you a “B” rating. Interesting, when I was in school an eighty-five percent success rating got you a “B.” Times have really changed, sometimes I wish they would just stand still

We still have the electoral majority in America so that working together we may send Mr. Schumer and his party comrades packing

Wake Up and smell the real NYC stench, Greg Diamond. It’s right there in front of your refusing-to-see-reality WOKE eyes

Shelburne County blaze likely to grow, now the largest wildfire in N.S. history

Even if truthful republicans can garner a hundred or so House members to vote down this back-stabbing travesty, there is a strong possibility that democrats would support it because it fulfills their wish list, irregardless of their bawling otherwise

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Canada Free Press, CFP Editor Judi McLeod

Deplorables by Dag Barkley
Paul Badde, The Holy Face of Jesus, the Veil of Manoppello